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About Debasis Pradhan

Debasis has over a decade worth of exclusive experience in the field of Software Quality Assurance, Software Development and Testing. He writes here to share some of his interesting experiences with fellow testers.


  1. This forum is like a knowledge bank to me...Thanks a ton

    Can you plz help me to know what exactly is Bussiness Cycle testing and how to put it in Project Test Plan?
    Thanx again.

  2. Hi Debasis,

    This is basheed and just want to ask you about "Orthogonal Array" Testing......Can u just give me a small description about this

  3. @ Basheed,

    Did you do a Google search and land up at the Wikipedia page before asking this question? Guess you didn't!!!

  4. pls tell me hw to test an AC mechain in software testing


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